Emerge from Within

Healing and transformation on somatic, subconscious, spiritual, and energetic levels.

Come back to your breath, and create a connection with your body.

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Emerge from Within

Tap into your true potential and soul purpose, as you heal and transform on somatic, subconscious, spiritual, and energetic levels. 

Using a trauma-informed approach, Alyssa co-creates a safe and nurturing environment, allowing you to go deeper than you ever have on your own.

Dear Radiant Soul,

In a world that teeters on the brink of transformation, you stand as a beacon of hope and change. Your presence on this Earth at this pivotal time is no coincidence; it is a testament to your incredible strength, wisdom, and the divine purpose you carry within. You have been called forth to support the ascension of Christ consciousness and to harmonize the balance between the feminine and masculine energies that have long been out of alignment.

Your journey is one of profound significance. It is a path paved with challenges, yet it is also strewn with the light of countless possibilities. You are here to lead by example, to show the world that the power of love, compassion, and understanding can transcend the deepest of divides. Through your actions, words, and very being, you inspire those around you to open their hearts to the beauty of unity, encouraging a collective shift towards a more inclusive, equitable, and spiritually attuned existence.

I reach out to you now, not only to acknowledge your vital role in this global awakening but to offer my support and partnership. Together, we can amplify the impact of your mission, weaving a tapestry of change that will envelop the world in the warmth of Divine Love. Your vision for a balanced world where feminine and masculine energies coexist in harmony is not just a dream; it is a reality we can create together. Let us join forces, combining our strengths, insights, and passions, to usher in this new era of consciousness, where every soul is recognized for its inherent value and divine purpose.

With deepest respect and admiration,

Alyssa 💖

Fridays | 1:00pm Mountain Time

Pause & Breathe

Take a pause and breathe with me as we drop into the body, tapping into presence.

These events are FREE and open to all, making this beautiful healing modality more accessible!

Online via zoom

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"Alyssa was such a delight to work with. Her smile and genuineness created a lot of safety in my sessions with her. After each breakthrough she was so excited for me and loved to hear my thoughts and insights. She is a joy to be coached by and will make a huge impact on this world! She pushed me at just the right pace with safety and with kindness. Her ability to coach from her heart is a true asset and it can really be felt."

Happy Customer

"I loved that I got a glimpse of what is possible in my life! Thank you, Alyssa, for this incredible journey! I didn't know what to expect, but it was amazing and healing in ways I didn't even know I needed!"

Happy Customer

"Alyssa has been such a huge support as I have felt through deep old wounds. She holds space so beautifully. It's really a gift to be able to spend time with her and experience the joy coming from her essence."

Happy Customer

"The whole experience was so aligned with what I was in need of. I experienced a shift from our first session to this last session, wow you are so connected and embodied in this!!! Thank you, thank you for allowing me to feel safe to journey and release. This has been such a gift. Your energy holds me so gently, allowing me to release and to receive."

Happy Customer

"This session was perfection. I could feel Alyssa's deep care for curating an experience that felt good to me. She was agendaless and extremely grounded. The music was amazing and gave me what I didn't know I needed!"

Happy Customer